We had no idea that the Blu-ray players Samsung showed off at CES would just be the first of a steady stream rolling out this year, and today in New York it's showing off the latest set of 3D capable hardware -- many of which have already shown up on retail shelves.

The $499 BD-C8000 is the first portable Blu-ray player that can handle the new 3D discs; while the 10.3-inch screen is 2D only, it folds WiFi, 1GB of memory, HDMI 1.4, a 3 hour battery and all of Samsung's DLNA and widget technology into its very netbook-looking shell for you to take somewhere that has a 3D-ready display.
Though that's already shipping on Amazon, we'll have to wait until October to see the $1,799 HT-C9950W 7.1 home theater in a box system, specifically designed (& priced) to match those ultra-thin 9000 series displays (and their sweet touchscree remotes).
Speaking of LED edge lit 3DTVs, Sammy also mentioned it's ready to ship the biggest of the bunch with the 65-inch UN65C8000 (compare that to Panasonic's 65-inch VT25 plasma) which missed the original July launch projection but is already popping up at a few sites for pre-orders at a price as much as $1,500 below its $5,999 MSRP.