Peoples' pants must be getting smaller, because so too are pocket camcorders shrinking down. Despite not making any dubious "world's smallest" claims, Aiptek's latest is one of the most slender we've seen that's able to shoot high-def video, and quite possibly the first with a 1.1-inch OLED screen on the back for previewing what your footage might look like on a First Class Forever stamp.

It'll shoot video at 720p30, capture 5 megapixel stills, and record them both to 4GB of internal memory -- good for about two hours' worth of footage. You can upload to YouTube straight from the camera's (Windows-only) software, or spin it to your TV through the integrated HDMI port. It sounds like quite a nice little package, and while we wouldn't expect the video quality to knock anyone's proverbial socks off, given the brand we wouldn't expect a shockingly high price, either. But, that we can't say for sure, nor when these will be available.